Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Out with the Old & In with the New – Carrier Oil Shelf Life


Out with the Old & In with the New – Carrier Oil Shelf Life

Is it time to go through your old carrier oils and see if any need throwing out? Some don’t last forever you know. Here is a quick guide to shelf life.
A carrier oils’ shelf life, which is the length of time before a particular oil begins to turn rancid, can be greatly influenced by heat and light. You will want to store your oils in a cool, dark place to preserve their freshness and in some cases refrigerate (e.g. Not Avocado), as heat and sunlight can shorten their shelf life. When refrigerating, oils may appear cloudy but will regain their clear state upon returning to room temperature. If you have a large amount of carrier oil on hand, you can freeze the unused portion until ready for use.
Tip: Try not to mix too much of your favorite massage blend up in advance, if you don’t plan on using it right away.
Carrier OilShelf Life
Fractionated CoconutIndefinite
Flaxseed3-6 months
Mustard Seed18-24 months
Grapeseed3-6 months (up to 9 months, if refrigerated)
Olive12-18 months
Sweet Almond12 months
Aloe Vera6-12 months
Apricot Kernel6-12 months
Argan24 months
Avocado12 months
Borage6 months
Calendula12 months
Carrot Seed12 months
Coconut (virgin)2-4 years
Coconut (fractionated)Indefinite
Evening Primrose6-12 months
FlaxseedUp to 6 months
Hazelnut12 months
Hemp Seed12 months
St. John Wort12 months
Emu12 months
Macadamia12 months
Olive24 months
Palm24 months
Pomegranate Seed12 months
Rosehip Seed6 months
Safflower24 months
Sunflower12 months
Wheat Germ12 months
Walnut12 months
Kukui12 months
Karanj12 months
Pumpkin Seed6-12 months
Camellia Seed12 months
Meadowfoam SeedIndefinite
Sea Buckthorn Berry12 months

Wound Warrior – A Guide To Healing Cuts And Bruises


Wound Warrior – A Guide To Healing Cuts And Bruises

Wound Warrior

by Jane Daley, ACP Student at Aroma Hut Institute
One of the main functions of our skin is to protect us from the germs, bacteria, viruses, allergens, and the like, that are constantly swimming around in our immediate atmosphere – in our own space. An open wound or cut will expose our insides to some or all of these stealthy predators. With a cut or wound, our objective is to keep the area clean and free of these germs in order to provide a healthy atmosphere for healing to take place. Once cleaned, applying a soothing salve on and around the wound site will help stimulate, and assist, the healing process.

What does it do?

The three essential oils in the Wound Warrior blend are all known for their anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties.  Frankincense, with all of it’s many therapeutic activities, is called “The Healer”. Lavender and Lemon will help to stimulate the production of white blood cells. They are also both anti-microbial, with Lavender able to affect airborne microbes. Lemon will help to stop the bleeding and cool things down.
The carriers are also important in this blend. Coconut oil is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and used to promote healing. Shea butter will moisturize the area and help the skin rebuilding process.

Safety / Precautions

One of the things I kept in mind when developing this blend is that I intended it to be ‘child friendly’. Because children are the ones often likely to be getting little scrapes and cuts, and have more sensitive skin, I thought it important that the balm be as soothing as it is effective. Even with that said, Lemon may cause irritation to those with sensitive skin, so it’s advised to try the salve on a small area of unbroken skin first, before applying over the wound directly.



½ cup coconut oil – I prefer organic virgin non-fractionated. Fractionated coconut oil will not allow the finished product to gel properly.
1 oz shea butter
½ oz beeswax  – I shaved off a block, but you can use pellets. Either makes melting quicker.
3 drops base Frankincense essential oil
6 drops middle Lavender essential oil
9 drops top Lemon essential oil


Double-boiler; a small stir rod or whisk; ladle for pouring; tins, jars for finished product. It’s best to put wax paper down over your work area for quick and easy clean up at the end.


coconutoil_virginorganic_halfcupStart warming coconut oil and shea butter in double-boiler over very low heat. The oil, butter, and wax will all melt while just warm. They do not have to get hot before melting happens.
Add beeswax into mix as soon as you see shea butter starting to melt. Stir continuously with wire whisk during this melting process to get well blended.
Expect the shea butter to melt quicker/sooner than the beeswax. This melting process should take less than 10 minutes, which is mostly taken up as the water at the bottom of the double-boiler heats up. Remove from the heat the top part of the double-boiler holding the mixture as soon as the butter and wax are fully melted. Don’t forget to turn the stove off!
Add essential oils immediately while the mixture is still in the pot. Start with 3 drops Frankincense, then 6 drops Lavender, and finally, 9 drops Lemon.

WoundWarriorTinStir the essential oils well into the blend using the whisk. Immediately ladle or pour the mix into awaiting tins and jars. If the mix has already started to set, simply put it over the hot water still in the lower portion of the pot. This will re-melt the mix and make it easy to pour. Label and date your containers. Know what’s in them and when you made them. Even blends with essential oils will lose efficacy over time with exposure to air and temperature, and need to be replaced.
Now you have a handy wound and cut salve for your medicine cabinet and first aid kit.

After Thoughts

It might be better to package this salve in tubs with screw-on lids. The tins may leak in Florida-style summer heat. I haven’t tested this yet.

Headeaze – An Alternative to Aspirin for Headache Pain


Headeaze – An Alternative to Aspirin for Headache Pain

HeadacheMost of us, at one time or another, have experienced the anguish of headache pain. Recurring headaches may be an indication of a more serious condition. However, studies done around the globe, with people from all walks of life, cultures, and living conditions, attest to the fact that the most common type of headache is the tension headache.
Colds and flu are often accompanied by headache. During the winter months, going back and forth between cold and the dry heat given off by heaters can wreak havoc on our sinuses, with painful results for the head. No matter what the cause, what we want is relief. Fast, effective relief.

What does this blend do?
The purpose of this particular pain blend is to relieve tension headache pain by increasing the oxygen in the blood and promoting blood flow. The intent is to relax the mind while stimulating the circulatory system. This will help to bring balance to mind and body. Helichrysum has been used as just such a nerve tonic at least from the time of the ancient Greeks, if not longer. Cardamom, also a circulatory stimulant, is used for cardiovascular health and in treating depression. For this blend, it is especially indicated for migraine pain. Birch, with it’s natural cortisone-like effects, will help to relieve the pain quickly. Overall, this blend will assist with stress, fatigue, and anxiety.
The anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties contained within these oils will help also to relieve the muscular aches and pains often associated with tension.

The effectiveness of this blend is indicative of the strength of the essential oils contained within it. It should not be used for children or if you are pregnant. While Helichrysum and Cardamom are considered non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing, Birch is potentially toxic. It is not recommended for use by asthma sufferers.
Most importantly, this blend is intended for use with the occasional headache. Severe and/or recurring headaches can be indicative of a more serious issue and a professional health care provider should be consulted.

Carrier: Lotion –  1/2 cup
Essential oils –
6 drops    Helichrysum  (Base note)
12 drops  Cardamom     (Middle note)
18 drops   Birch               (Top note)

Lotion blend: ¼ cup Olive oil, 1/8 cup Coconut oil, 1/8 cup Beeswax, ¼ tsp. Vitamin E oil (3 caplets)

Double-boiler; a small stir rod or whisk; ladle for pouring; bottles or tubs for finished product.


  • On low heat, start warming olive and coconut oils and beeswax in double-boiler.

  • Stir to blend. As soon as wax is fully melted (mixture will be clear), remove from the heat and let cool slightly.

  • Add 2-3 caplets of Vitamin E oil, approx. 1/8 tsp. Stir to blend.

  • Add essential oils starting with the base note Helichrysum, then middle note Cardamom, then top note Birch. Stir to blend.

  • Pour immediately into containers.

  • Label and date.

Instructions for use:
Use as needed for headache pain and muscular aches and pains caused by tension. For headache relief, apply to temples, under eyes, and lower forehead above the eyebrows. Massage onto neck, shoulders, and spine for tension relief. Avoid contact with eyes.

  • This lotion tends to be a little thick. Add an additional teaspoon or two of olive oil or sweet almond oil to thin it some if desired.
  • If you prefer not to use Birch essential oil, a good substitute would be Coriander, which is known for it’s qualities in helping with migraine pain, stress, and nervous debility.

Hand & Foot Salt Soak – For Rheumatic and Arthritic Inflammation and Pain


Hand & Foot Salt Soak – For Rheumatic and Arthritic Inflammation and Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis handsIn the past, the term rheumatism was used to refer to any muscular or joint condition that included symptoms of inflammation and pain around the joints. In today’s modern terminology it refers to rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis simply means joint inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself, in this case the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and muscle fatigue.

Over time, the wear and tear on our joints can damage the cartilage tissue that protects and cushions the joints. Without this protection, bone rubs on bone, making movement painful, and causing the area to become inflamed. This is why often, arthritis sufferers will describe a warming sensation emanating from the joints affected. If the inflammation is left untreated, it will cause further breakdown of the cartilage.  The synovial fluid, the lubricating fluid around the joint which is supposed to help the joint move smoothly, will also become inflamed and thicken, causing more fluid to be produced,  resulting in swelling and possibly increasing the pain.
As there is no known cure for arthritis, treatment is directed at reducing the inflammation, providing pain relief, and reducing any edema and swelling present.

What does Joint Joy do?

Three essential oils are used in this blend – Black Pepper, Pine, and Coriander. With caryophyllene and limonene being just two of it’s many chemical constituents, Black Pepper has long been known for it’s anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. Pine and Coriander are both anti-rheumatic, analgesic, and warming.
A salt soak is used because of the importance of sodium, magnesium, and other minerals contained in salt. These help regulate body fluids and blood pressure. Sodium assists with nerve signaling, keeping nerves and muscles running smoothly.

Safety / Precautions

Black Pepper essential oil is considered a hot oil which may cause irritation and skin sensitivity. Although not typically recommended for baths, the very low overall dilution rate (1%) of this blend should alleviate this possibility. Coriander and Pine essential oils are considered non-toxic, non-irritating. Pine is considered one of the safest oils to use in aromatherapy.BathSalts


2 ounces / ¼ cup bath salts
2  drops  Black Pepper Essential oil  (Base note)
4  drops  Pine Essential oil  (Middle note)
6  drops  Coriander Essential oil (Top note)
¼ teaspoon carrier oil of your choice


Step 1
Put the ¼ tsp. carrier oil into a small bowl, then add the essential oils to the carrier oil. First start by adding 2 drops of Black Pepper, then 4 drops of Pine and lastly 6 drops of Coriander. Stir in mixture with a glass rod to blend.
Step 2
Put the bath salts into a small plastic tub, then add the oil to the salts. Cover with a lid and shake your mixture together. Make sure to label it and put the date you made it as well.

Instructions for Use

Pour enough warm water into a small foot tub to cover hands up to the wrist, or to cover feet up to the ankles.   Add 1-2 tablespoons of salts. Swish around to thoroughly mix and dissolve the salts. Soak 10-15 minutes one to two times daily, as needed. Apply moisturizer after drying.

Additional Notes

This blend can be made into a hand lotion instead. Substitute the bath salts with 2 ounces of carrier oil, such as Grapeseed, Sweet Almond, or Coconut oil. Grapeseed oil helps with circulation, particularly of the lower extremities.

Belly Balm – Soothing Relief for Digestive Complaints


Belly Balm – Soothing Relief for Digestive Complaints

Since ancient times the roots of the ginger plant, and the seeds of the dill and fennel plants, have been used to lessen the woes of digestive complaints. In this blend, you will see how the essential oils of these plants, having the same therapeutic properties of the herbs and spices, come together to form a synergy into an aromatic lotion.
In my last blog I talked about the importance within the respiratory system, not only that new good air enters the body, but just as important is for the used, old air to be expelled. The same it is with the digestive system. We must eat food for nutrition and energy, and we must discard the unused bulk and by-products of the digestive process, in order to keep the flow moving and in balance.
What would seem a simple process, taking in food, passing it through the digestive tract, and then removing any waste products at the end, can be wrought with challenges. Causes can stem from daily habits of diet, exercise, and rest, and are too numerous to include in discussion here.

Recent studies are finding more and more that the health of our gut has a large impact on our overall health. Disruptions and imbalances along the digestive path is what gives rise to indigestion, cramps, spasms, constipation or diarrhea, gas, and bloating. When looking to essential oils to come to the aid of the digestive system, we are looking for carminatives, agents that help to clear wind – gas and flatulence. Anti-spasmodic will help to relieve cramps and spasms. We are also looking for oils with anti-microbial and/or anti-fungal properties. When there is a slow down or stoppage anywhere along the route, bacteria and fungus in the wastes thrive, causing more infection and disruption up and down the line.

What does this blend do?
BB_ingredientsGinger is the base note of this blend. It will assist from beginning to end of the tract. It stimulates the flow of saliva and digestive juices, relieves gas pains, and helps ensure easy discharge of stools. Ginger is a carminative, anti-bacterial, stimulant, and laxative.
Dill, the middle note of this blend, gets its name from the Norse “Dylle”, meaning to soothe or lull. It will soothe the stomach and help to calm down the system. This fresh, sweet, grassy scent is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, a carminative, digestive, diuretic, and stomachic.
Fennel is also soothing to the stomach and will help relieve the symptoms of gas, cramps, constipation, and bloating. It’s anti-microbial properties will take action against intestinal parasites.
These oils together will help to soothe and settle the stomach and assist with elimination.
Not only do the oils help in the ways mentioned above, they come with an abundance of minerals including sulfur, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and others that help the body to function.
Olive oil is used for the carrier oil. It was known and used, even by the ancients, for stomach disorders.

This blend should not be used during pregnancy or if breast-feeding due to it’s emmenagogic effects. Do not use if taking medications for epilepsy, diabetes, or estrogen-related cancers. Do not use before major surgery or with bleeding disorders or anti-coagulants.
Dill and ginger essential oils are generally non-toxic, non-irritating and typically require no restrictions. The e-Anethole content in Fennel was for a time linked to concern of liver toxicity and possible carcinogenic activity. More recent studies have determined there is insufficient data to support these concerns and e-Anethole is back on the GRAS (generally regarded as safe) list for internal intake and use.
This blend is a low 1% dilution ratio of essential oils to carrier oil.

Instructions for Use
Can be used daily as needed for digestive discomfort. Apply roll-on directly over stomach and abdomen. Spread the oils by gently massaging the area with your fingertips.

Tools & Ingredients
To put this blend together you need a roll-on bottle and a small funnel.

Carrier oil – 1 oz virgin olive oil.

Essential oils
Base Note: 1 drop          Ginger
Middle Note: 2 drops    Dill
Top Note: 3 drops          Fennel

  • Use the funnel to pour one ounce of your carrier oil into the roller bottle.
  • Add the essential oils directly into the bottle starting with the Ginger, then the Dill, and finishing with the Fennel oil.
  • Before you put the roller ball on the bottle, put the lid on and shake gently to mix the blend thoroughly. You can then add the roller onto the bottle and your blend is ready for use.
  • Label and date your blend. It’s a good idea to add the safety precautions to your finished products as a reminder to yourself, and as a caution and awareness for others.

In place of the olive oil as the carrier, which odor can sometimes come through too strong, sweet almond oil is a non-greasy, quick-absorbing alternative. The ability of hemp seed oil to penetrate well through the skin makes it a sound replacement also, along with it’s own many inherent benefits.

My top pick for substitution with the Fennel oil would be to use Peppermint oil instead. The very low dilution rate of this blend should reduce any possible skin sensitization to Peppermint oil to unnoticeable.

The information shared in this blog is for educational purposes only so that you are better informed in making your own essential oil blends. No statements are meant to be interpreted to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Chronic, severe, or recurring discomfort of the digestive tract should be shared with your doctor. If you are already under a doctor’s care, it is advised you get his consent and approval before using essential oils as a complementary solution to ailments.

Breathe Easy – Nasal Inhaler for Stuffed Passages


Breathe Easy – Nasal Inhaler for Stuffed Passages

Nasal Inhaler
Is it allergies? Or is it asthma? Impaired breathing is scary under any label. Allergies are our immune systems working in overdrive, overreacting to a perceived invader whether truly harmful or not. For instance, dust or pollen is not usually toxic to the human body, yet reactions to them can go from mild to life threatening for many millions of people.
Asthma is an allergy. Asthma is the inflammation, and resulting swelling of the inside walls of the air passages to and from the lungs. Not only is good air not going in, but the old air filled with carbon dioxide isn’t being expelled back out of the body. The swollen walls produce added mucus, further inhibiting air flow. To aggravate the situation even worse, the muscles on the outside of the passages tighten up and reduce airflow yet more. This all makes the simple act of breathing strained and perhaps painful.

Bronchodilators, or so-called rescue inhalers, are primarily aimed at loosing the grip of the outside muscles and giving the airways some freedom. Other prescribed medical drugs are used to combat congestion, mucus, and the inflammatory constriction on the airways.
While one is well advised to be under professional medical supervision for these issues, there are indeed essential oils that can assist with these efforts.

What can essential oils do for asthma sufferers?
There is an abundance of essential oils that have anti-inflammatory therapeutic value. When dealing with asthma, we also want an oil that is Mucolytic – that is, it contains an enzyme that breaks down mucus. We’d also like to address the congestion with oil that has expectorant properties.

Myrrh is used in the Breathe Easy blend as an inflammatory and expectorant, and for it’s immune and circulatory system stimulation effects. It is the circulatory system that will help carry out the residual garbage caused by the excess inflammation and mucus. It is well known for assisting to expel mucus and phlegm from the lungs. The middle note, myrtle, is an expectorant with a warm tonic effect known also for it’s use in expelling bronchial mucus and phlegm. White fir is also an expectorant, and helps clear and prevent mucus buildup in the first place. The blend helps with coughing and the associated muscle tightening in the chest.

It is advised not to use myrtle during pregnancy.
All three oils are considered generally non-toxic, non-irritating. Some people may experience skin sensitivity to the White Fir.
One of the oft listed side effects of prescribed asthma inhalers is an increase in heart rate. Some essential oils will increase blood pressure. The oils contained in the Breathe Easy blend do not have this property. It was my intent that even those with high blood pressure could use this inhaler.
Can be used daily as needed.
Putting together a blend to use in an inhaler is a very quick and easy way to deliver the therapeutic and aromatic effects of the essential oils.
Because an inhaler blend is undiluted it’s best to use the 1-2-3 formula. That is one drop base note, two drops of the middle note, and three drops of the top note.
For this blend, in a small bowl or shot glass, drop into it 1 drop of Myrrh essential oil. This is the base note. Add to it 2 drops of Myrtle, which is our middle note. Then add 3 drops of the top note, White Fir. Swirl them slightly to mix.
Place the cotton swab from the inhaler in the bowl and let it soak up the oil blend.
Insert the cotton into the inhaler case. Seal with the end cap.
Label and date all of your blends. Essential oils tend to lose their effectiveness over time from exposure to air causing oxidation. It’s important to keep the inhaler sealed when not in use.

Added Thoughts
You can purchase inhaler blanks online with the cotton piece included. Since essential oils usage through aromatherapy has become increasingly popular, more stylistic inhalers have become available. You can now have an easy solution close by in your purse, suit pocket, or gym bag, when you need that extra help breathing.

Bum Smoother – Cellulite Smoothing Spray

Aromatherapy bottle with pink flowers

Bum Smoother – Cellulite Smoothing Spray

Before and afterArgh!! Summer is coming and you’ll want to wear your shorts and tank tops, and bathing suits. But there you stand – in front of the full-length mirror – trying on last year’s swimsuit and staring dismally at the cellulite that has continued its march over your thighs and belly.  Skillfully hid through the cold months by blue jeans and sweaters, you silently consider how to do that with a bathing suit. Let me repeat myself, “Argh!!”
There is no “cure” for cellulite because it’s not a dysfunction. It’s who we are. It’s how we, women especially, were made. It’s not a disease or condition. It is our perfectly natural body composition to have fat cells beneath the skin. Ninety percent of all women everywhere, of every shape and size, will have cellulite sometime in their lives. Even skinny women aren’t exempt. It’s those little fat cells growing in size and number pushing outward on the skin.
In ways, you influence your own amount of cellulite. The eating habits and weight maintenance we have, exercise and rest routines, whether or not you smoke, will all factor in. Cellulite makeup is in your genes. Hormones such as estrogen and insulin are seen in medical research to contribute to the production of cellulite.
What can you do?  Your body, without you thinking about it, is always moving in direction of homeostasis. Switching to a healthier diet and exercise living program can reduce the cellulite and tone the skin and muscles for greater elasticity. Essential oils can assist with the body’s inside job of breaking down and ridding itself of these excess fat cells. Less fat cells means less cellulite.

What does this blend do?
All of the three essential oils used in this blend – Balsam, Juniper Berry, and Lemon, are rich in monoterpenes. They will assist in stimulating the circulatory and immune systems, helping to break down the fat cells, discard the waste, and enhance the overall wellness of the skin.
Balsam is stimulating and warming. Areas affected with cellulite tend to be colder due to poor blood circulation.  As a diuretic Balsam will help remove toxins through urination.
The notable contribution of Juniper Berry essential oil in this blend is it’s role as a depurative, cleansing the blood of toxins from within – uric acid and hormone waste, and without – pollution and heavy metals. It will also promote sweating to rid the body of toxins and excess salt and water. As a rubefacient it will increase blood circulation below the skin where it is applied. Like Balsam, it is also a diuretic.
Stimulating to the immune and digestive systems, Lemon essential oil has a long history of helping rid the body of toxins. It helps breakdown the fat, and will reduce the acidity of the body. Lemon essential oil is nourishing for the skin.
The overall activity of this blend is to attack the cellulite on the inside and to diminish their appearance on the outside with the blood circulation stimulation and nourishment to the skin’s outer layers.

Balsam and Juniper Berry essential oils are generally non-toxic, non-irritating. Lemon can be skin sensitizing for some so a patch test is recommended. Lemon is phototoxic so I wouldn’t recommend using it immediately before going to the beach or sun tanning even if you aren’t typically sensitive to it.
This blend is less than 1% dilution.

Usage Instructions
The best time to use this spray would be after a shower or bath when your pores have been cleansed allowing the oils to penetrate easier. Keeping in mind the photosensitivity of the Lemon, the spray can be used as often as you like. Spray directly onto areas of the body with cellulite, particularly the thighs, buttocks, and mid-section.

Ingredients and Tools
  • carrier: 2 ozs / ¼ cup Floral Water
  • essential oils – Balsam (Base note) 2  drops
Juniper Berry (Middle note) 4  drops
Lemon (Top note) 6  drops
  • Spray bottle – tinted preferably to reduce exposure to light

  • Pour the 2 ounces of floral water into your spray bottle
  • Add the essential oils to the spray bottle
    • start with 2 drops Balsam
    • then 4 drops Juniper Berry
    • end with 6 drops Lemon
  • Cap the bottle and shake to mix

  • Use a small glass or dish and combine the essential oils, in the same order as above, to each other first. Swirl to mix and then add as a whole to the floral water. This method will permit the frequencies and component properties of each to synergize as a group, as a true blend.

The properties of Ginger essential oil would make it a good substitute for the Balsam in this blend, but be careful as it is a hot oil and would carry caution with pregnancy. Cedarwood, more similar to Balsam, can also be used.

To make a roll-on, substitute the floral water for grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil will help circulation in the lower extremities further aiding in the expelling of fat wastes.

In putting together the research to do this particular blend, the over-riding theme that kept coming to mind was, Love yourself, and Love your body. Diet, exercise, and rest will continue to be major factors in your appearance. Nourishment of body, mind, and soul are equally important. They’re simply choices that you make.