Belly Balm – Soothing Relief for Digestive Complaints

Since ancient times the roots of the ginger plant, and the seeds of the dill and fennel plants, have been used to lessen the woes of digestive complaints. In this blend, you will see how the essential oils of these plants, having the same therapeutic properties of the herbs and spices, come together to form a synergy into an aromatic lotion.
In my last blog I talked about the importance within the respiratory system, not only that new good air enters the body, but just as important is for the used, old air to be expelled. The same it is with the digestive system. We must eat food for nutrition and energy, and we must discard the unused bulk and by-products of the digestive process, in order to keep the flow moving and in balance.
What would seem a simple process, taking in food, passing it through the digestive tract, and then removing any waste products at the end, can be wrought with challenges. Causes can stem from daily habits of diet, exercise, and rest, and are too numerous to include in discussion here.

Recent studies are finding more and more that the health of our gut has a large impact on our overall health. Disruptions and imbalances along the digestive path is what gives rise to indigestion, cramps, spasms, constipation or diarrhea, gas, and bloating. When looking to essential oils to come to the aid of the digestive system, we are looking for carminatives, agents that help to clear wind – gas and flatulence. Anti-spasmodic will help to relieve cramps and spasms. We are also looking for oils with anti-microbial and/or anti-fungal properties. When there is a slow down or stoppage anywhere along the route, bacteria and fungus in the wastes thrive, causing more infection and disruption up and down the line.

What does this blend do?
BB_ingredientsGinger is the base note of this blend. It will assist from beginning to end of the tract. It stimulates the flow of saliva and digestive juices, relieves gas pains, and helps ensure easy discharge of stools. Ginger is a carminative, anti-bacterial, stimulant, and laxative.
Dill, the middle note of this blend, gets its name from the Norse “Dylle”, meaning to soothe or lull. It will soothe the stomach and help to calm down the system. This fresh, sweet, grassy scent is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, a carminative, digestive, diuretic, and stomachic.
Fennel is also soothing to the stomach and will help relieve the symptoms of gas, cramps, constipation, and bloating. It’s anti-microbial properties will take action against intestinal parasites.
These oils together will help to soothe and settle the stomach and assist with elimination.
Not only do the oils help in the ways mentioned above, they come with an abundance of minerals including sulfur, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, and others that help the body to function.
Olive oil is used for the carrier oil. It was known and used, even by the ancients, for stomach disorders.

This blend should not be used during pregnancy or if breast-feeding due to it’s emmenagogic effects. Do not use if taking medications for epilepsy, diabetes, or estrogen-related cancers. Do not use before major surgery or with bleeding disorders or anti-coagulants.
Dill and ginger essential oils are generally non-toxic, non-irritating and typically require no restrictions. The e-Anethole content in Fennel was for a time linked to concern of liver toxicity and possible carcinogenic activity. More recent studies have determined there is insufficient data to support these concerns and e-Anethole is back on the GRAS (generally regarded as safe) list for internal intake and use.
This blend is a low 1% dilution ratio of essential oils to carrier oil.

Instructions for Use
Can be used daily as needed for digestive discomfort. Apply roll-on directly over stomach and abdomen. Spread the oils by gently massaging the area with your fingertips.

Tools & Ingredients
To put this blend together you need a roll-on bottle and a small funnel.

Carrier oil – 1 oz virgin olive oil.

Essential oils
Base Note: 1 drop          Ginger
Middle Note: 2 drops    Dill
Top Note: 3 drops          Fennel

  • Use the funnel to pour one ounce of your carrier oil into the roller bottle.
  • Add the essential oils directly into the bottle starting with the Ginger, then the Dill, and finishing with the Fennel oil.
  • Before you put the roller ball on the bottle, put the lid on and shake gently to mix the blend thoroughly. You can then add the roller onto the bottle and your blend is ready for use.
  • Label and date your blend. It’s a good idea to add the safety precautions to your finished products as a reminder to yourself, and as a caution and awareness for others.

In place of the olive oil as the carrier, which odor can sometimes come through too strong, sweet almond oil is a non-greasy, quick-absorbing alternative. The ability of hemp seed oil to penetrate well through the skin makes it a sound replacement also, along with it’s own many inherent benefits.

My top pick for substitution with the Fennel oil would be to use Peppermint oil instead. The very low dilution rate of this blend should reduce any possible skin sensitization to Peppermint oil to unnoticeable.

The information shared in this blog is for educational purposes only so that you are better informed in making your own essential oil blends. No statements are meant to be interpreted to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Chronic, severe, or recurring discomfort of the digestive tract should be shared with your doctor. If you are already under a doctor’s care, it is advised you get his consent and approval before using essential oils as a complementary solution to ailments.