Essential Oils for Your Pet Can Be Beneficial

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years for the health and well-being for all that used them. Essential oils for your pet can also beneficial according to Dr. Richard Palmquist. He states that essential oils have been known to have many possible, desirable effects such as reducing anxiety and inflammation, fighting oxidative processes, battling toxins and fighting infections by inhibiting bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The odor of oils can also be used to affect mental states and memory. The doctors of today are on the lookout for agents that will assist in the management of resistant infections and cancer, as these natural products may well hold the key to several major advancements.”

People use essential oils for themselves and others, did you know that you could also use them on your pets to help with their health. Pets also age and so they face many different diseases and conditions much like humans. Adult dogs can get canine arthritis that is a one in five chance as stated by Animals being unable to communicate with humans, they fail to tell you that they are in pain and have no other choice but to suffer in silence. There might not be to many oils for Canine Arthritis; giving them Vitamin C and E could help a large amount when treating dogs with the condition.

Essential Oil ClassesWhen using essential oils on pets or animals like cats, dogs, horses, cows and others, it is important to dilute the oil heavily before usage and dilute more as the animal size decreases. Some essential oil companies recommend that you use 3-5 drops for small animals and to dilute about to 80 – 90 percent before application. Larger animals like dogs 6 – 8 and for very large animals like horses and cattle, ten drops.

Essential oils can be very powerful and not to be taken lightly in diluting, even if you think it is harmless for you, as sometimes it is far from harmless to your pet. When selecting essential oils, it is better and almost essential to use therapeutic grade rather than substandard as it may contain contaminants or adulterants.

While Some pets can be sensitive to essential oils and other may not, it is better to be safe than sorry. As to much oils within an animal can cause liver problems and even kidney toxicity within their bodily systems. Pets system functions differ from humans, so it is crucial to pay attention to which essential oil you are using for them and do your best to make sure it is best suited for your type of pet. Cats especially are sensitive to essential oils containing Polyphenolic compounds, often referred to as hot oils; Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, Birch, and Thyme are a no-go when it comes to cats.

Use essential oils in moderation for pets, as the oils within their system over time can be overwhelming for the pets and can prove difficult causing more bad than good in their bodies.

Another thing to be aware of is that animals have a much greater sense of smell than that of a human, so it is advised to proceed with caution in deciding what essential oils to be used for pets. When introducing an animal to a new aroma, always leave an escape route for the animal to get away in case it wants to do so. Always remember that the greater the dilute rate, the greater chance it is that the pet would like its aroma.

Animals are not created equal, and they all have different preferences, while some may like lavender, others may not. For example, a cat might not like citrus oils, but dogs on the other might love the aroma of the oil. A common way for an animal to get used to a certain aroma of oil is to wear the oils and to be in the same area as the pet is or to diffuse in the same room and let the pet inhale them.

Essential Oils for your pet - apply oils to the pawWhen they are nice and comfortable to the oils, you can now start applying topically. Applying on cats and dogs the paws of the animal is a perfect place to do it. The hoofed animal is on the other hand on the spine or flanks works best. A good way to apply essential oils other than the paws is to put oils on hands and to pet the animal’s fur.

Another great way to apply essential oils is to put the oil on the collar of an animal or even to put it on the place the commonly sleep like their bed. You can also make a spray with water and spray it on the animals fur.

There are also many other places you can put the oils, like on their ears (but not inside them as that could damage the sensitive ear drum within,) toes/paws, and spine. Beware not to put any oils close to the eyes, nose anal, and other genital areas.

You can also get the animal to internally ingest the oil (and make sure the oil is safe to use with the animal and make sure to have the highest quality oil before doing so) by putting it in their food that they eat, providing they do not mind the flavor. It is also recommended to only giving the animal one drop of the oil while ingesting.

Tea Tree oil is not recommended to be used internally as it would be hard for an animal to ingest, because of its phenolic properties. Dogs bodies can handle up to 4 drops of tea tree per pound, but we suggest you do not give them that much, to begin with. However, cats are more sensitive than dogs on the subject and are not recommended.

That does not mean you cannot use Tea Tree on animals; you can apply it on their fur in small amounts, but not internally. Tea Tree is an essential oil that has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrizant, fungicide and a lot more. Tea tree can also help cure viral and infections like mumps for humans, as well as help pets.

Lavender oil is among the most used essential oils in the world, because of its healing properties that are antiseptic and disinfectant. Lavender oil is helpful in reducing anxiety, and emotional stress (as well as pets,) heals burns and wounds and has been known to help improve sleep.

Frankincense oil has many oil properities like being an antiseptic, disinfectant, digestive, sedative, tonic, astringents and more. Frankincense oil is also excellent for improving the immune system, oral health, hair, and helping intestines.

Helichrysum essential oil is known for wound healing and has properties such as antispasmodic, anticoagulant, anti-allergenic, anti-hematic which helps to clear the accumulation of blood or blood clots which results from a hemorrhage.

“Tarragon is a common herb used in cooking for many generations. The name of Tarragon closely resembles that of “Dragon” and the herb’s botany name is “Little Dragon.” –

Tarragon oil has digestive properties that help to improve the function of the digestive system and aids the circulation of blood within the body. Tarragon is also a stimulant that helps with the brain, nervous, and all other systems in the body aid with growth and protection (immune system) of the body.

Caraway oil has been used since the ancient times and was quite often referred to in religious books and was said to be the cure nearly all diseases. ( Caraway essential oil a property called anti-histaminic that is said combat seasonal allergies that can cause the body to start coughing endlessly. Caraway oil also has antiseptic and disinfectant prosperities to help the immune system to fight off diseases.

Coriander has Aphrodisiac and Lipolytic properties to help with the loss of weight, antispasmodic to help with coughing, and carminative to detoxify the body. Coriander oil can also aid the digestive system and is known to help improve your appetite.

Fennel is used to be the flavor of black licorice, as well as being an essential that has properties such as a laxative and can be used to help improve bad breath. Fennel oil also has antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative properties to help aid with the detox of the body. Fennel oil can also help with indigestion and relentlessness.

Essential oils used for pets that have skin problems such as wounds and blood clotting are Lavender, Frankincense, and Helichrysum. Essential oils utilized for the digestive of an animal are recommended to use at least 1 to 2 drops on the stomach area and to use essential oils like tarragon, caraway, coriander, or fennel.

You can use a majority of the essential oils that are used for humans can be used for the well-being of pets as well. However, remember, that it is harder for animals to cope with the essential oils within the system, so it is recommended to dilute everything for it to be safe for the pets.

Essential oils for your pet - especially dogs are beneficialBe sure to remember to use therapeutic grade essential oils for your pets as using cheap oils may prove to cause more harm than good to them and could cause systems to be overloaded within the body.

Another thing to be wary of is that the aromas are strong to humans are even more strong to pets as they have a more sensitive smell than that of a human. When you pick an essential oil for a pet, make sure that the pet likes it before going ahead and putting it on them.

Dilution rates for animals go as much as 90% to 80% of carrier oil or water for every drop of essential oil. It is also recommended to keep in mind how large or small the animal is and to dilute even more when the pet is a small animal.

Lavender Health Benefits, Frankincense Health Benefits, Helichrysum Health Benefits – Organic facts,
Dr. Axe –
Holistic Care / by Dogs Naturally,
Essential oils for dogsDanelle Wolford –
Essential Oils and Pets: A Quick How To, Youngliving –
Essential Oils and Dogs, The Bark –
Home Remedies For Dogs Using Essential Oils for Dogs,